My goal is not to teach anything new but to maximize what you already know. Our engaging, practical, and relevant professional development sessions take a person-first approach to evidence-based assessment

Borrowing tenants from Asset-Based Community Development, we focus on uncovering and highlighting the talents, tools, strengths, resources, and opportunities that exist within a community to develop the community.

Over the past 10 years, we’ve had the opportunity to serve Schools, Universities, and Corporations with our person-first approach to professional development.  Schedule a complementary problem call today, or keep exploring to find a package that's right for your community. 

Professional Development Opportunities

I'm Tre' a Social Emotional Learning Practitioner and National Education Consultant, similar to an organizational psychologist searching for evidence-based solutions to problems in your school community. On this page, you'll find a variety of professional learning opportunities that are relevant to every leader. 

If you see 'We' below it's in reference to  SEL Educators was established as a Consultancy in 2017 that supports the development of emotional intelligence which is responsible for up to 80% of personal and professional success


We use a suite of assessments to support personal and professional growth that assessments include, EQ, DISC, Motivators, Values, and Learning Styles

Person First Approach

Our aim is to speak to the person first not the employee, or the educator.  When you are thriving personally you can thrive professionally 

Depth of Knowledge

Our offerings have been refined over 7 years, to ensure we meet all learning styles, and provide an experience with opportunities to apply skills that are unmatched


Step 4: Continous Support

To ensure the opportunity to continue learning sessions are available online, and follow-up workshops are available! 

Step 5: Celebrate Success 

In Step 5 we celebrate the big and small wins from the school year, before reflecting on goals for the next year

Step 6: Plan for the Future 

We have a suite of 5 assessments available with up to 4 training opportunities for each. You can have professional support for 1 session up to 5 years! 

Step 1: On-Boarding 

This step is a phone call to collect key information and decide the best pathway to work together 

Step 2: Assess Stress & Well Being 

After the onboarding call, you'll receive a welcome letter for your community with links to key assessments and information 

Step 3: Training Session 

Here's where the fun happens, sessions are typically 2 -4 hours and include in-person, virtual, and self-paced options to debrief your personalized assessment report. 


Our latest photos

"Tre' walks with you on the journey and stays with you through it to make the experience pleasant while guiding you toward success."

Dr. Adrienne Young Professional School Counselor 


After working with us here's what participants had to say 

Very energetic and passionate about his information 

Entertaining, informative and timely, encouraged a lot of self-reflection. I was surprised at how meaningful this information was. 

Collaborative discussions, team projects, and individual assessments were accurate and easy to apply 

In every way possible. well-managed presentations and interaction with all

Was able to keep two audiences in separate but adjacent rooms engaged

The engagement was auditory, visual and collaborative

Relationships & Communication: Strategies for success at work and home

Professional development | Half Day, Whole Day, Quarterly  

Session Overview

This signature professional development session is the most popular, and easily applicable. We use DISC (The world's most popular communication style assessment) to articulate your strengths, opportunities for growth, and communication preferences. Upon completion of your DISC assessment, a personalized report will be sent via email and in our time together we'll debrief your results individually, and as a team! Using integrated reports to create powerful teams and compete in community-building games.

Session objectives 

  • Reduce personal and professional stress 
  • Learn strategies to identify tension in any relationship
  • Articulate communication preferences to peers and leaders
  • Create opportunities to maximize strengths 
Emotional Intelligence 101 & 102 

Personal & Professional Development | Half Day, Whole Day, Quarterly


In this session we'll start by completing an Emotional Intelligence Benchmark Assessment, upon completion you'll receive a personalized report with details of your EQ scores. During our time together we'll dive deep into your strengths and opportunities for growth. as well as reflect on how your Emotional intelligence impacts your personal and professional success. 

The EQ Assessment tool provides insights into four areas of EIQ 

  • Self Recognition
  • Social Recognition 
  • Self Management 
  • Social Management 
7 Elements of Work & Motivation

Research shows that the most successful people share the common trait of self-awareness. They’re able to more quickly recognize situations that will make them more successful. Motivation helps influence behavior and action. It is vital for superior performance to ensure that your motivations are satisfied by what you do to drive your passion, reduce fatigue, and inspire you.

This training & assessment help you understand your motivations and drivers, providing a clear course on how to maximize your performance by achieving better alignment with your passion for what you do and your behavior.

The Elements of Motivation

    PHONE | (843) 639 - 0012

    Contact Tre' for your next Professional Learning Experience

    Download the Free Relationships & Communication Workbook 

    Download the Free Emotional Intelligence Workbook

    Download Motivators Sample Report